
美国公民及移民服务政策副主任约瑟夫·爱德洛(Joseph Edlow)发表以下声明,以回应美国加利福尼亚北区地方法院发布的全国性初步禁令,要求增加公民身份和其他移民福利的收费。

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Deputy Director of Policy Joseph Edlow issued the following statement in response to the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California issuing a nationwide preliminary injunction enjoining fee increases for citizenship and other immigration benefits.


“这个不幸的决定使美国移民局每个工作日的资金不足,限制了收费规则。” 与大多数政府机构不同,美国公民及移民服务局是收费的。根据联邦法律的要求,USCIS进行了全面的两年期费用审查,并确定当前费用无法收回提供裁决和入籍服务的成本。这不是什么新鲜事或异常。实际上,收费规则比原定时间表晚了两年,并且比以前增加了一个较小的百分比。在诸如USCIS这样由费用资助的机构中,这种增加对于以任何长期,有意义的方式继续运营以确保成本回收是必要的。这项禁止移民局实施强制性加费的决定是前所未有的,对美国人民有害。”

“This unfortunate decision leaves USCIS underfunded by millions of dollars each business day the fee rule is enjoined.  Unlike most government agencies, USCIS is fee funded.  As required by federal law, USCIS conducted a comprehensive biennial fee review and determined that current fees do not recover the cost of providing adjudication and naturalization services.  This is nothing new or abnormal.  In fact, the fee rule is two years behind schedule, and is a smaller percentage increase than the previous.  In a fee-funded agency such as USCIS, this increase is necessary to continue operations in any long-term, meaningful way to ensure cost recovery.  This decision barring USCIS from enacting its mandatory fee increase is unprecedented and harmful to the American people.”



  • 美国移民局(USCIS)更新关于未正确获得合法永久居

  • 移民局对初步禁止收费规则的回应

  • 移民局关于CW-1离境要求的政策更新

